Autodesk Meshmixer Online Course (One Year Access)

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Product description

One Year HoneyPoint3D Meshmixer Online Course


Meshmixer is an easy, free software program from Autodesk that is a design tool based on high-resolution dynamic triangular meshes. This class by HoneyPoint3D features 17+ hours of expert online video training, targeted videos explaining answers to specific questions, hidden tricks, multi-video modules that can be learned in order or by topic, 80+ meshmixer tools explained, 165+ total videos, answers to specific workflow questions and more! You will learn how to create or upload your own CAD file and paint, create patterns, apply support material, sculpt, pull, twist, turn, add, delete, flatten, pitch, shrink, inflate, stencil, drag and drop, and/or mesh objects together.


The product comes as an activation link that will be sent to you via email to give you full access to the course material for one year.


Class Curriculum


An Overview of Autodesk Meshmixer (6 sections)

Evaluating and Fixing Downloads from Online Sites (8 sections)

Working with Multiple Objects in Meshmixer (12 sections)

Polygonal Modeling vs. Prismatic Modeling: When To Use and What They Are (5 sections)

Sculpting with Digital Clay (17 sections)

Meshmixer's Support Structure Generation for 3D Printing (8 sections)

Creating and Fixing 3D Scans (11 sections)

Creating a 3D Model from a Photograph (6 sections)

Targeted Videos Collection (15 sections)

Reference Section: Sculpt Brush Modifiers (10 sections)

Reference Section: Volume Sculpt Brushes (12 sections)

Reference Section: Surface Sculpt Brushes (5 sections)

Reference Section: Edit Menu (17 sections)

Reference Section: Analysis Menu (11 sections)

Reference Section: Shaders Menu (1 section)

Reference Section: Select Menu (3 sections)

Reference Section: Select --> Edit Menu (17 sections)

Reference Section: Select --> Convert To Menu (1 section)

Reference Section: Select --> Deform Menu (1 section)

Reference Section: Select --> Modify Menu (1 section)

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